Jubeka's Journal
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Jubeka's Journal
This document contains the daily journal of one of the master Warlock trainers. The pages are filled with random notes, the occasional drawing of an imp's internal organs and the occasional tidbit on the preferred diet of felhunters.
Near the end, an entry catches your eye...
This document contains the daily journal of one of the master Warlock trainers. The pages are filled with random notes, the occasional drawing of an imp's internal organs and the occasional tidbit on the preferred diet of felhunters.
Near the end, an entry catches your eye...
Day 26:
It has been nearly two weeks since Kanrethad and I arrived in Outland. Almost immediately afterwards, he departed for Shadowmoon Valley. I didn't bother to ask why, as long as he doesn't get himself killed.
My research here in this dusty wasteland continues as drudgingly expected. While the Legion's onslaught has subsided, a number of the rarer demon specimens remain.
It has been nearly two weeks since Kanrethad and I arrived in Outland. Almost immediately afterwards, he departed for Shadowmoon Valley. I didn't bother to ask why, as long as he doesn't get himself killed.
My research here in this dusty wasteland continues as drudgingly expected. While the Legion's onslaught has subsided, a number of the rarer demon specimens remain.
Day 28:
The fel imps of Felspark Ravine in Hellfire are remarkably chatty. I've discovered that they're just as easy to contract into service as their names are to learn. The ritual to summon one is trivial, at best.
Voidlords are rather difficult to stumble across, but it takes very little persuading to convince one to divulge the name of a rival lord.
I have wondered once or twice if Kanrethad will ever return, but in the end, it doesn't actually matter. The council can put me to death, so long as my grimoires last, so will my legacy.
The fel imps of Felspark Ravine in Hellfire are remarkably chatty. I've discovered that they're just as easy to contract into service as their names are to learn. The ritual to summon one is trivial, at best.
Voidlords are rather difficult to stumble across, but it takes very little persuading to convince one to divulge the name of a rival lord.
I have wondered once or twice if Kanrethad will ever return, but in the end, it doesn't actually matter. The council can put me to death, so long as my grimoires last, so will my legacy.
Day 32:
While examining the nauseating Ruins of Farahlon today in Netherstorm, I was ambushed by a race of floating eyeball squids. Calling themselves observers, they were unexpectedly intelligent. They expressed a deep desire to bear witness to all forms of magic and willingly offered their services in exchange for the opportunity to consume new forms of magic.
The ritual to summon an observer is unexpectedly complex. While natives of the great dark beyond, they are highly migratory and the summoning ritual must compensate for their travels. Without their willing assistance, summoning an observer would be nearly impossible.
While examining the nauseating Ruins of Farahlon today in Netherstorm, I was ambushed by a race of floating eyeball squids. Calling themselves observers, they were unexpectedly intelligent. They expressed a deep desire to bear witness to all forms of magic and willingly offered their services in exchange for the opportunity to consume new forms of magic.
The ritual to summon an observer is unexpectedly complex. While natives of the great dark beyond, they are highly migratory and the summoning ritual must compensate for their travels. Without their willing assistance, summoning an observer would be nearly impossible.
Day 35:
Kanrethad returned, looking incredibly grim. Considering his undisciplined technique, it should be no surprise that his research has been less than successful.
I'm ready to attempt the binding of a higher order member of the Burning Legion, but I dare not attempt the ritual alone. In fact, perhaps Kanrethad would prove the perfect test subject...
Kanrethad returned, looking incredibly grim. Considering his undisciplined technique, it should be no surprise that his research has been less than successful.
I'm ready to attempt the binding of a higher order member of the Burning Legion, but I dare not attempt the ritual alone. In fact, perhaps Kanrethad would prove the perfect test subject...
Day 36:
Remarkable! My first attempt to summon a higher order member of the legion failed as spectacularly as planned. The shivarra broke free almost instantly after Kanrethad completed the ritual.
I expected the frail human to be struck down while I banished the creature. Instead, in the instant that the shivarra's razor-sharp blades sliced through the air, Kanrethad's form shifted and the blades bounced as if striking stone.
Unlike the typical form of metamorphosis, he did not complete the demonic transformation... perhaps his research has been more successful than I expected.
Remarkable! My first attempt to summon a higher order member of the legion failed as spectacularly as planned. The shivarra broke free almost instantly after Kanrethad completed the ritual.
I expected the frail human to be struck down while I banished the creature. Instead, in the instant that the shivarra's razor-sharp blades sliced through the air, Kanrethad's form shifted and the blades bounced as if striking stone.
Unlike the typical form of metamorphosis, he did not complete the demonic transformation... perhaps his research has been more successful than I expected.
Day 40:
The key to binding a wrathguard was ironically reducing the number of runic symbols used in the summoning circle. Wrathguards are highly resistant to charms and compulsions, but readily respond to basic expressions of strength.
Kanrethad was unexpectedly insightful into the conditioning the Legion uses to compel the wrathguard into action. His ability to express his dominance over lesser demons is remarkable, if short-lived. With great pains, I've been able to inscribe the forms he uses to summon multiple demonic servants at once.
Unfortunately, while he can bind two lesser demons indefinitely, I can only do so for a short time.
The key to binding a wrathguard was ironically reducing the number of runic symbols used in the summoning circle. Wrathguards are highly resistant to charms and compulsions, but readily respond to basic expressions of strength.
Kanrethad was unexpectedly insightful into the conditioning the Legion uses to compel the wrathguard into action. His ability to express his dominance over lesser demons is remarkable, if short-lived. With great pains, I've been able to inscribe the forms he uses to summon multiple demonic servants at once.
Unfortunately, while he can bind two lesser demons indefinitely, I can only do so for a short time.
Day 47:
We left a few ogre corpses in our wake, but studying the ritual circle of Vim'gol revealed additional ways of bolstering our power using demonic sacrifices. While the act greatly enrages our demonic servants, fusing their life energy to our own provides a dramatic increase in power.
With a little experimentation, I discovered that the more closely linked you are with the demon you sacrifice, the greater the power of the ritual.
Kanrethad's ability to restrain his demonic transformation seems to have reached a plateau. Once again, his lack of power disgusts me. Things that would be trivial to most Warlocks take him an eternity.
We left a few ogre corpses in our wake, but studying the ritual circle of Vim'gol revealed additional ways of bolstering our power using demonic sacrifices. While the act greatly enrages our demonic servants, fusing their life energy to our own provides a dramatic increase in power.
With a little experimentation, I discovered that the more closely linked you are with the demon you sacrifice, the greater the power of the ritual.
Kanrethad's ability to restrain his demonic transformation seems to have reached a plateau. Once again, his lack of power disgusts me. Things that would be trivial to most Warlocks take him an eternity.
Day 50:
At Kanrethad's insistence, we headed for the Altar of Damnation in Shadowmoon Valley. He seems to be convinced that there's more to the Hand of Gul'dan than just a show of power.
I'm not convinced, but at this point my grimoires are complete. I don't understand his obsession with controlling the flow of demonic power granted by his transformation.
While he plays around with ancient altars, I intend to try my hand at opening a gateway to conjure many wild imps at once...
At Kanrethad's insistence, we headed for the Altar of Damnation in Shadowmoon Valley. He seems to be convinced that there's more to the Hand of Gul'dan than just a show of power.
I'm not convinced, but at this point my grimoires are complete. I don't understand his obsession with controlling the flow of demonic power granted by his transformation.
While he plays around with ancient altars, I intend to try my hand at opening a gateway to conjure many wild imps at once...
Day 60:
Kanrethad is up to something. To say that I'm concerned about our next move is a dramatic understatement.
Kanrethad is up to something. To say that I'm concerned about our next move is a dramatic understatement.
(A ragged note is drawn onto the back cover of the leather journal)
I'm convinced there is no chance that we will return from this next adventure alive. There's simply no way I can take the risk that my grimoires go unread. For that reason, I've contracted the imps to leave four fragments of my soulstone at the locations listed in my journal.
I'm sending this journal to you, my trusted friend, that should the need to locate me arise, you bring the four stones together, find my body and ensure that my grimoires are brought back to Azeroth.
Jubeka Shadowbreaker
I'm convinced there is no chance that we will return from this next adventure alive. There's simply no way I can take the risk that my grimoires go unread. For that reason, I've contracted the imps to leave four fragments of my soulstone at the locations listed in my journal.
I'm sending this journal to you, my trusted friend, that should the need to locate me arise, you bring the four stones together, find my body and ensure that my grimoires are brought back to Azeroth.
Jubeka Shadowbreaker