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Ruined Embersilk Scraps

Ruined Embersilk Scraps
Item Level 81
Max Stack: 20
Sell Price: 15 30


Highbank Cannoneer84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid25
Axebite Defender84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid25
Highland Black Drake83 - 85Twilight HighlandsA HDragonkin24
Twilight Abductor85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid24
Twilight Abductor85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid24
Twilight Abductor85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid24
Twilight Abductor85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid24
Schnottz Elite Infantryman85
UldumA HHumanoid24
Glopgut Pounder85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid24
Depths Overseer85Twilight Highlands, Loch ModanA HHumanoid24
Eternal Protector83UldumA HUndead24
Furious Specter83UldumA HUndead23
Twilight Ettin
<Bloodeye Clan>
85Twilight HighlandsA HGiant23
Glopgut Hurler85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Lieutenant Fawkes84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Highbank Guardsman84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Schnottz Rifleman85A HHumanoid22
Twilight Miner84 - 85Twilight Highlands, Loch Modan, A HHumanoid22
Bloodeye Magelord
<Bloodeye Clan>
85Twilight HighlandsA HGiant22
Axebite Infantry84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Twilight Miner82 - 85Loch Modan, Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Ancestral Guardian84UldumA HHumanoid22
Twilight Scavenger82 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Bloodeye Brute85Twilight HighlandsA HGiant22
Omak'Tul82 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Schnottz Overseer84UldumA HHumanoid22
Wildhammer Raider84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Thundermar Gryphon Rider84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Twilight Pillager82 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Bilgewater Gunman
<Bilgewater Battalion>
85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Dragonmaw Skyclaw84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Shaman of the Black84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid22
Narkrall Rakeclaw85A HHumanoid21
Thog85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid21
Tidebreaker Sailor84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid21
Twilight Trapper84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid21
Twilight Rogue80 - 84A HHumanoid21
Schnottz Excavator84UldumA HHumanoid21
<The Black>
81 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid21
Axebite Grunt83A HHumanoid21
Schnottz Air Trooper83UldumA HHumanoid21
Twilight Defiler83DeepholmA HHumanoid21
Boldrich Stonerender83DeepholmA HHumanoid21
Wildhammer Battle-Healer84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid21
Schnottz's Landing Laborer83UldumA HHumanoid21
Needlerock Mystic83DeepholmA HHumanoid21
Apprehensive Worker85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HHumanoid20
Faceless Soulclaimer82 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid20
Twilight Scalesister80 - 82DeepholmA HDragonkin20
Twilight Bloodsmith81 - 82DeepholmA HHumanoid20
Exiled Mage85Tol BaradA HHumanoid20
Stone Trogg Earthrager83DeepholmA HHumanoid20
Thundermar Defender84A HHumanoid20
Shipwrecked Sailor85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HUndead20
Horde Shaman Infantry85Tol BaradA HHumanoid20
Stone Trogg Digger82DeepholmA HHumanoid20
Twilight Vindicator85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid20
Horde Mage Infantry85Tol BaradA HHumanoid20
Warden Guard85Tol BaradA HHumanoid20
Skyshredder Crewmember82 - 83A HHumanoid20
Needlerock Rider82DeepholmA HHumanoid20
Overlook Spirit85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HUndead20
Crazed Soldier85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HHumanoid20
Citadel Veteran85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid20
Glopgut Basher84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid20
Bloodgorged Ettin
<Bloodeye Clan>
82 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HGiant20
Suspicious Villager85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HHumanoid20
Flamewaker Shaman85Molten FrontA HHumanoid20
Horde Druid Infantry85Tol BaradA HHumanoid20
Twilight Dragonspawn81 - 82DeepholmA HDragonkin20
Cell Watcher85Tol BaradA HDemon20
Alliance Paladin Infantry85Tol BaradA HHumanoid20
Horde Rogue Infantry85Tol BaradA HHumanoid20
Brogg Glopgut84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid20
Highbank Skirmisher83A HHumanoid20
Flamewaker Sentinel85Molten FrontA HHumanoid20
Twilight Flamequencher85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid20
Stone Trogg Ambusher82DeepholmA HHumanoid20
Alliance Hunter Infantry85Tol BaradA HHumanoid20
Captive Spirit85Tol BaradA HUndead19
Rustberg Bandit85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HHumanoid19
Jailed Wrathguard85Tol BaradA HDemon19
Dragonmaw Straggler84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid19
Hovel Brute80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid19
Flamewaker Assassin85A HHumanoid19
Shivarra Destroyer85Tol BaradA HDemon19
Twilight Saboteur80 - 82A HHumanoid19
Stone Trogg Geomancer82DeepholmA HHumanoid19
Imprisoned Imp85Tol BaradA HDemon19
Schnottz Elite Trooper84 - 85
UldumA HHumanoid19
Twilight Vanquisher80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid19
Twilight Binder82DeepholmA HHumanoid19
Alliance Mage Infantry85Tol BaradA HHumanoid19
Ghastly Convict85Tol BaradA HUndead19
Goblin Bombardier84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid19
Twilight Infiltrator80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid19
Hovel Shadowcaster80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid19
Twilight Augur81Mount HyjalA HHumanoid19
Twilight Flamecaller80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid19
Twilight Centurion82DeepholmA HHumanoid19


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