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Thick Hide Pack

Thick Hide Pack
Item Level 60
Binds when equipped
14 Slot Bag
Sell Price: 3


Alyssa Griffith
<Bag Vendor>
30Stormwind CityA H12
Armorer Gang
87Kun-Lai SummitA H12
Big Sal
<General Goods Vendor>
88Kun-Lai SummitA H12
Bonni Chang
<General Goods>
90Vale of Eternal BlossomsA H12
Bowfitter Suyin
90Krasarang WildsA H12
Cousin Copperfinder
<Grummlecakes & Luckydos>
88Kun-Lai SummitA H12
Cousin Slowhands
<Traveling Trader>
90A H12
Craftsman Hui
85The Jade ForestA H12
<Bag Vendor>
30Azuremyst IsleA H12
Deckmender Lu
<Crew of the Mist-Hopper>
90Dread WastesA H12
Denk Hordewell
<General Goods>
30OrgrimmarA H12
<General Goods>
83Twilight HighlandsA H12
Full Flask
<Grummlegrog and Souvenirs>
90Kun-Lai SummitA H12
<Bag Vendor>
30Orgrimmar, Siege of OrgrimmarA H12
Hegrid Blazewing
<General Goods>
84DeepholmA H12
83UldumA H12
<General Goods>
83UldumA H12
<General Goods>
30OrgrimmarA H12
Jonathan Chambers
<Bag Vendor>
30Tirisfal GladesA H12
Lien the Maintainer90Dread WastesA H12
Lin the Brave
90Townlong SteppesA H12
Magdala Copperpick
<General Goods>
82DeepholmA H12
Nicole Gillet
<General Goods>
85Twilight HighlandsA H12
<General Goods>
30OrgrimmarA H12
<Bag Vendor>
30Thunder BluffA H12
<Bag Vendor>
30Dun MoroghA H12
Provisioner Graka
85Twilight HighlandsA H12
<Bag Vendor>
30Silvermoon CityA H12
Salvaged Goods1UldumA H12
Sentry "Big Belly" Fong
<Camp Supplies>
90Timeless IsleA H12
Sentry Mimao
<Camp Supplies>
90Timeless IsleA H12
Smokey Sootassle
<Burlap Trail Supplies>
88Kun-Lai SummitA H12
Steelbender Jin
87Kun-Lai SummitA H12
Steven Walker
86Valley of the Four WindsA H12
Supplier Qiao90Townlong SteppesA H12
Trader Hozenpaw
<Grummlecakes & Luckydos>
88Kun-Lai SummitA H12
Trader Jina
<General Goods>
85The Jade ForestA H12
Varx Hagglemore
<General Goods>
82DeepholmA H12
83UldumA H12
<Bag Merchant>
30DarnassusA H12
90Dread WastesA H12


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