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Smoked String Cheese

Smoked String Cheese
Item Level 80
Use: Restores 67500 health over 30 sec. Must remain seated while eating.
Requires Level 80
Max Stack: 20
Sell Price: 9


Twilight Flamecaller80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid16
Twilight Infiltrator80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid16
Twilight Scorchlord81Mount HyjalA HHumanoid15
Twilight Augur81Mount HyjalA HHumanoid15
Twilight Saboteur80 - 82A HHumanoid14
Twilight Retainer80 - 81Mount HyjalA HHumanoid14
Highbank Skirmisher83A HHumanoid13
Schnottz's Landing Laborer83UldumA HHumanoid13
Schnottz Air Trooper83UldumA HHumanoid13
Boldrich Stonerender83DeepholmA HHumanoid13
Ancestral Guardian84UldumA HHumanoid13
Schnottz Excavator84UldumA HHumanoid13
Schnottz's Landing Laborer83UldumA HHumanoid13
Twilight Defiler83DeepholmA HHumanoid13
Twilight Bloodsmith81 - 82DeepholmA HHumanoid13
Schnottz Overseer84UldumA HHumanoid12
Tidebreaker Deckhand81Shimmering ExpanseA HHumanoid12
Lieutenant Fawkes84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid12
Highbank Guardsman84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid12
Scalesworn Cultist80 - 82DeepholmA HHumanoid12
Twilight Abductor85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid12
Twilight Abductor85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid12
Twilight Abductor85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid12
Twilight Abductor85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid12
Tidebreaker Sailor84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid12
Highbank Marksman84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid11
Highbank Prison Guard84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid11
Highbank Sniper84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid11
Apprehensive Worker85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HHumanoid11
Exiled Mage85Tol BaradA HHumanoid11
Crazed Soldier85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HHumanoid11
Twilight Vindicator85Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid11
Warden Guard85Tol BaradA HHumanoid11
Highbank Marine84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid11
Alliance Hunter Infantry85Tol BaradA HHumanoid11
Alliance Paladin Infantry85Tol BaradA HHumanoid11
Alliance Mage Infantry85Tol BaradA HHumanoid10
Schnottz Elite Trooper84 - 85
UldumA HHumanoid10
Ghastly Convict85Tol BaradA HUndead10
Twilight Armsman83DeepholmA HHumanoid10
Schnottz Rifleman85A HHumanoid10
Foreman Wellson85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HUndead9
Keep Lord Farson85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HHumanoid9
Alliance Sea-Scout81Abyssal DepthsA HHumanoid9
Alliance Warrior Infantry85Tol BaradA HHumanoid9
Captain Cork84UldumA HHumanoid9
Schnottz Elite Infantryman85
UldumA HHumanoid8
Captain Kronkh84UldumA HHumanoid8
Highbank Cannoneer84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid8
Captain Margun84UldumA HHumanoid8
Crazed Guard85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HHumanoid8
Highbank Prison Guard84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid7
Warden's Sentry85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HHumanoid7
Wastewander Outrider81 - 83UldumA HHumanoid7
Schnottz Sea Trooper84UldumA HHumanoid7
Beleagurered Engineer83Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid6
Twilight Bloodshaper81 - 82DeepholmA HHumanoid6
Accursed Longshoreman85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HUndead6
Ghastly Dockhand85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HUndead6
Accursed Shipbuilder85Tol Barad PeninsulaA HUndead5
Twilight Thug85
A HHumanoid5
Twilight Ranger85
A HHumanoid5
Schnottz Air Officer83UldumA HHumanoid5
Time-Twisted Footman85
End TimeA HUndead4
Time-Twisted Rifleman85
End TimeA HUndead4
Warden Silva85Tol BaradA HUndead4
Archmage Galus85Tol BaradA HElemental4
Highbank Marksman84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid3
Intrepid Deckhand81Shimmering ExpanseA HHumanoid3
Iron Reaper Deckhand81Vashj'irA HHumanoid2
Enslaved Alliance Mage80 - 81Shimmering ExpanseA HHumanoid1.81


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