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  • Disenchantable (425)
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Nethander Ring

Nethander Ring
Item Level 295
Binds when equipped
<Random enchantment>
Requires Level 81
Sell Price: 6 45 24

Random Enchantments (Suffix)

  • ...of the Mercenary (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Strength, +104 Haste
  • ...of the Feverflare (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Intellect, +69 Haste, +69 Mastery
  • ...of the Windstorm (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Agility, +69 Critical Strike, +69 Mastery
  • ...of the Zephyr (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Agility, +69 Haste, +69 Mastery
  • ...of the Windflurry (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Agility, +69 Critical Strike, +69 Haste
  • ...of the Galeburst (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Agility, +69 Hit, +69 Expertise
  • ...of the Stormblast (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Agility, +69 Hit, +69 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Wavecrest (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Intellect, +69 Mastery, +69 Spirit
  • ...of the Undertow (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Intellect, +69 Haste, +69 Spirit
  • ...of the Fireflash (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Intellect, +69 Critical Strike, +69 Haste
  • ...of the Wildfire (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Intellect, +69 Hit, +69 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Rockslab (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Strength, +69 Mastery, +69 Dodge
  • ...of the Bouldercrag (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Strength, +69 Dodge, +69 Parry
  • ...of the Bedrock (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Strength, +69 Mastery, +69 Parry
  • ...of the Mountainbed (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Strength, +69 Mastery, +69 Expertise
  • ...of the Earthbreaker (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Strength, +69 Critical Strike, +69 Mastery
  • ...of the Earthfall (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Strength, +69 Critical Strike, +69 Haste
  • ...of the Landslide (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Strength, +69 Hit, +69 Expertise
  • ...of the Earthshaker (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Strength, +69 Hit, +69 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Faultline (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Strength, +69 Haste, +69 Mastery
  • ...of the Flameblaze (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Intellect, +69 Mastery, +69 Hit
  • ...of the Marksman (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Agility, +104 Hit
  • ...of the Seer (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Critical Strike, +104 Intellect
  • ...of the Champion (2.77778% chance)
    +104 Strength, +156 Stamina, +104 Dodge
  • ...of the Soldier (2.77778% chance)
    +104 Strength, +156 Stamina, +104 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Elder (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Spirit, +104 Intellect
  • ...of the Beast (2.77778% chance)
    +104 Hit, +104 Critical Strike, +156 Stamina
  • ...of the Bandit (2.77778% chance)
    +104 Agility, +156 Stamina, +104 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Invoker (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Intellect, +104 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Seer (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Intellect, +104 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Sorcerer (2.77778% chance)
    +156 Stamina, +104 Intellect, +104 Haste
  • ...of the Tiger (2.77778% chance)
    +132 Agility, +132 Hit
  • ...of the Whale (2.77778% chance)
    +132 Spirit, +199 Stamina
  • ...of the Bear (2.77778% chance)
    +199 Stamina, +132 Strength
  • ...of the Eagle (2.77778% chance)
    +132 Intellect, +199 Stamina
  • ...of the Monkey (2.77778% chance)
    +132 Agility, +199 Stamina


Empyrean Assassin82
The Vortex PinnacleA HElemental0.61
Turbulent Squall82
The Vortex PinnacleA HElemental0.57
Stonecore Magmalord82 - 85
The StonecoreA HElemental0.52
Wild Vortex82
The Vortex PinnacleA HElemental0.52
Young Storm Dragon83
The Vortex PinnacleA HDragonkin0.51
Crystalspawn Giant83
The StonecoreA HElemental0.47
Gust Soldier82
The Vortex PinnacleA HElemental0.47
Armored Mistral82
The Vortex PinnacleA HElemental0.44
Cloud Prince83
The Vortex PinnacleA HElemental0.43
Stonecore Bruiser83
The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.43
Servant of Asaad82
The Vortex PinnacleA HHumanoid0.42
Temple Adept82
The Vortex PinnacleA HHumanoid0.41
Fungalmancer Glop82 - 83
DeepholmA HHumanoid0.4
Stonecore Sentry82 - 85The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.37
Stonecore Flayer82
The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.35
Nether Fiend82Abyssal DepthsA HAberration0.35
Minister of Air82
The Vortex PinnacleA HHumanoid0.35
Executor of the Caliph82
The Vortex PinnacleA HHumanoid0.33
Stonecore Berserker82
The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.32
Stonecore Earthshaper82
The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.32
Stonecore Warbringer82
The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.31
Stonecore Rift Conjurer82 - 85
The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.3
Twilight Rogue80 - 84A HHumanoid0.3
Tol'vir Merchant84UldumA HHumanoid0.3
High Priestess Lorthuna83
DeepholmA HHumanoid0.3
Ogre Bodyguard82
DeepholmA HHumanoid0.3
Neph'Lahim82Abyssal DepthsA HHumanoid0.29
Twilight Soulreaper82 - 83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.22
Wildhammer Raider84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.2
Brogg Glopgut84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.2
Schnottz's Landing Laborer83UldumA HHumanoid0.2
Schnottz's Landing Laborer83UldumA HHumanoid0.2
King Moltron82
Mount HyjalA HElemental0.2
Servant of Therazane83
DeepholmA HGiant0.2
Boldrich Stonerender83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.2
Desecrated Earthrager83
DeepholmA HElemental0.2
Highbank Marine84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.13
Twilight Duskwarden82 - 83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.11
Sku'Bu82Abyssal DepthsA HHumanoid0.1
Tidebreaker Sailor84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Lieutenant Fawkes84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Highbank Guardsman84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Axebite Infantry84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Skyshredder Crewmember82 - 83A HHumanoid0.1
Glopgut Basher84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
<The Black>
81 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Twilight Trapper84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Dragonmaw Straggler84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Shaman of the Black84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Thundermar Gryphon Rider84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Dragonmaw Marauder79 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Twilight Scavenger82 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Bloodgorged Ettin
<Bloodeye Clan>
82 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HGiant0.1
Twilight Pillager82 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Deathblade Shredder84A HMechanical0.1
Blackscale Mistress84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Blackscale Raider84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Faceless Soulclaimer82 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Omak'Tul82 - 84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.1
Highbank Skirmisher83A HHumanoid0.1
Axebite Grunt83A HHumanoid0.1
Neferset Looter83 - 84UldumA HHumanoid0.1
Ancestral Guardian84UldumA HHumanoid0.1
Schnottz Overseer84UldumA HHumanoid0.1
Schnottz Excavator84UldumA HHumanoid0.1
Neferset Venom Keeper84UldumA HHumanoid0.1
Neferset Snake Charmer84UldumA HHumanoid0.1
Eternal Protector83UldumA HUndead0.1
Furious Specter83UldumA HUndead0.1
Schnottz Air Trooper83UldumA HHumanoid0.1
Crazed Digger82 - 83UldumA HHumanoid0.1
Neferset Scalehunter83UldumA HHumanoid0.1
Wastewander Outrider81 - 83UldumA HHumanoid0.1
Sand Pygmy83UldumA HHumanoid0.1
Stone Drake83
DeepholmA HDragonkin0.1
Rockslice Flayer79 - 82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Gorged Gyreworm81 - 83DeepholmA HElemental0.1
Ravenous Tunneler83DeepholmA HElemental0.1
Stone Trogg Digger82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Needlerock Rider82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Verlok Grubthumper82 - 83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Verlok Shroomtender83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Troggzor the Earthinator
<Stone Trogg Battle Leader>
83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Stone Trogg Earthrager83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Twilight Scalesister80 - 82DeepholmA HDragonkin0.1
Needlerock Mystic83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Defaced Earthrager83DeepholmA HElemental0.1
Twilight Centurion82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Twilight Heretic83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Twilight Armsman83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Twilight Crusher83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Twilight Cryptomancer83DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Twilight Bloodsmith81 - 82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.1
Deep Spider83DeepholmA HBeast0.1
Amthea85DeepholmA HBeast0.1
Enormous Gyreworm83A HElemental0.1
Emerald Colossus82
DeepholmA HGiant0.1
Twilight Bonebreaker84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.09
Axebite Marine84Twilight HighlandsA HHumanoid0.09
Crown Technician83UldumA HHumanoid0.07


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