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  • Disenchantable (425)
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Angerfang Bow

Angerfang Bow
Item Level 283
Binds when equipped
1155 - 2146 DamageSpeed 2.70
(611.28 damage per second)
<Random enchantment>
Durability 65 / 65
Requires Level 79
Sell Price: 12 34 72

Random Enchantments (Suffix)

  • ...of the Mercenary (8.4% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Strength, +52 Haste
  • ...of the Windstorm (4.6% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Agility, +35 Critical Strike, +35 Mastery
  • ...of the Zephyr (2.1% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Agility, +35 Haste, +35 Mastery
  • ...of the Windflurry (3.5% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Agility, +35 Critical Strike, +35 Haste
  • ...of the Galeburst (3.3% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Agility, +35 Hit, +35 Expertise
  • ...of the Stormblast (3.1% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Agility, +35 Hit, +35 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Earthbreaker (3.4% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Strength, +35 Critical Strike, +35 Mastery
  • ...of the Earthfall (2.7% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Strength, +35 Critical Strike, +35 Haste
  • ...of the Landslide (1.5% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Strength, +35 Hit, +35 Expertise
  • ...of the Earthshaker (6.1% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Strength, +35 Hit, +35 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Faultline (2.5% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Strength, +35 Haste, +35 Mastery
  • ...of the Marksman (11.5% chance)
    +78 Stamina, +52 Agility, +52 Hit
  • ...of the Soldier (7.7% chance)
    +52 Strength, +78 Stamina, +52 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Beast (9.8% chance)
    +52 Hit, +52 Critical Strike, +78 Stamina
  • ...of the Bandit (9.1% chance)
    +52 Agility, +78 Stamina, +52 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Tiger (10.7% chance)
    +66 Agility, +66 Hit
  • ...of the Bear (3.6% chance)
    +100 Stamina, +66 Strength
  • ...of the Monkey (6.3% chance)
    +66 Agility, +100 Stamina


Azsh'ir Sentry81Shimmering ExpanseA HHumanoid0.1
Nether Fiend82Abyssal DepthsA HAberration0.09
Lava Surger80Mount HyjalA HElemental0.05
Core Hound80 - 81Mount HyjalA HBeast0.05
Bloodsnarl Hyena82 - 83UldumA HBeast0.05
Riverbed Crocolisk82 - 83UldumA HBeast0.05
Sandskin Pincer79 - 80Vashj'ir, Shimmering ExpanseA HBeast0.05
Splitclaw Skitterer80Kelp'thar ForestA HBeast0.05
Gilblin Scavenger80Kelp'thar ForestA HHumanoid0.05
Sabreclaw Skitterer80Kelp'thar ForestA HBeast0.05
Clacksnap Pincer80Kelp'thar ForestA HHumanoid0.05
Twilight Scorchlord81Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Fiery Tormentor80Mount HyjalA HDemon0.05
Twilight Dragonkin Armorer80 - 81Mount HyjalA HDragonkin0.05
Twilight Dragonkin80 - 81Mount HyjalA HDragonkin0.05
Wormwing Swifttalon79 - 80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Wormwing Screecher80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Emissary of Flame80 - 81Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Twilight Augur81Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Flame Ascendant81Mount HyjalA HElemental0.05
Green Sand Crab79 - 80Shimmering Expanse, Vashj'irA HBeast0.05
Deep Corruptor80A HHumanoid0.05
Twilight Subjugator81Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Charbringer80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Scalding Rock Elemental80Mount HyjalA HElemental0.05
Twilight Overseer80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Twilight Inferno Lord80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Howling Riftdweller80Mount HyjalA HElemental0.05
Twilight Stormcaller80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Horrorguard80 - 81Mount HyjalA HDemon0.05
Spinescale Basilisk80 - 81Mount HyjalA HBeast0.05
Gar'gol81Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Hovel Shadowcaster80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Hovel Brute80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Fiery Instructor80Mount HyjalA HElemental0.05
Twilight Flamecaller80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Twilight Vanquisher80Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.05
Blazebound Elemental80
Mount HyjalA HElemental0.05
Rockslice Flayer79 - 82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.05
Rockslice Ripper82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.05
Deepstone Elemental82DeepholmA HElemental0.05
Living Blood80 - 81DeepholmA HElemental0.05
Mercurial Ooze81 - 82DeepholmA HElemental0.05
Stone Trogg Digger82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.05
Twilight Bloodshaper81 - 82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.05
Twilight Scalesister80 - 82DeepholmA HDragonkin0.05
Scalesworn Cultist80 - 82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.05
Murkstone Trogg81 - 82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.05
Twilight Bloodsmith81 - 82DeepholmA HHumanoid0.05
Stonecore Magmalord82 - 85
The StonecoreA HElemental0.03
Empyrean Assassin82
The Vortex PinnacleA HElemental0.03
Wild Vortex82
The Vortex PinnacleA HElemental0.02
Gust Soldier82
The Vortex PinnacleA HElemental0.02
Stonecore Rift Conjurer82 - 85
The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.02
Twilight Zealot80
Blackrock CavernsA HHumanoid0.02
Minister of Air82
The Vortex PinnacleA HHumanoid0.02
Evolved Twilight Zealot81
Blackrock CavernsA HDragonkin0.02
Incendiary Spark80
Blackrock CavernsA HElemental0.02
Armored Mistral82
The Vortex PinnacleA HElemental0.02
Stonecore Sentry82 - 85The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.02
Turbulent Squall82
The Vortex PinnacleA HElemental0.02
Stonecore Berserker82
The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.01
Gilgoblin Aquamage
<Minion of Ghur'sha>
Throne of the TidesA HHumanoid0.01
Temple Adept82
The Vortex PinnacleA HHumanoid0.01
Stonecore Flayer82
The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.01
Stonecore Warbringer82
The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.01
Faceless Watcher81
Throne of the TidesA HAberration0.01
Executor of the Caliph82
The Vortex PinnacleA HHumanoid0.01
Servant of Asaad82
The Vortex PinnacleA HHumanoid0.01
Stonecore Earthshaper82
The StonecoreA HHumanoid0.01
Defiled Earth Rager81
Blackrock CavernsA HElemental0.01
Shadowflame Master81Mount HyjalA HHumanoid0.01
Naz'jar Spiritmender80
Throne of the TidesA HHumanoid0.01
Emerald Colossus82
DeepholmA HGiant< 0.01
Merciless One81Abyssal DepthsA HAberration< 0.01
Naz'jar Invader80
Throne of the TidesA HHumanoid< 0.01
Crazed Mage80
Blackrock CavernsA HHumanoid< 0.01
Spinescale Hammerhead81Abyssal DepthsA HBeast< 0.01
Bellows Slave80Blackrock CavernsA HHumanoid< 0.01
Muckskin Scrounger80 - 81Shimmering ExpanseA HHumanoid< 0.01
Twilight Candidate82Abyssal DepthsA HHumanoid< 0.01
Luxscale Grouper81Abyssal DepthsA HBeast< 0.01
Zin'jatar Raider80Kelp'thar ForestA HHumanoid< 0.01
Molten Tormentor80Mount HyjalA HElemental< 0.01


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