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Scribe's Satchel

Scribe's Satchel
Item Level 15
Binds when equipped
16 Slot Inscription Bag
Sell Price: 12 50


Adelene Sunlance
<Inscription Trainer>
69Borean TundraA H250
Alchemist Yuan
<Purveyor of Trade Goods>
88Kun-Lai SummitA H350
Booker Kells
<Inscription Trainer>
71Howling FjordA H350
Casandra Downs
<Alchemy & Inscription Supplies>
84Twilight HighlandsA H50
Fang Whitescroll
<Inscription Supplies>
90Vale of Eternal BlossomsA H350
<Inscription Supplies>
75IcecrownA H350
<Inscription & Tailoring Supplies>
83UldumA H350
Ickabod Pimlen
<Inscription Supplies>
35Tirisfal GladesA H250
Illianna Moonscribe
<Inscription Supplies>
35DarnassusA H250
Inkmaster Trista
<Exotic Goods>
90The Jade ForestA H50
Jezebel Bican
<Inscription Supplies>
60Hellfire PeninsulaA H350
Kul Inkspiller
<Inscription Supplies>
60Hellfire PeninsulaA H350
Larana Drome
<Inscription Supplies>
75Crystalsong ForestA H350
<Inscription Supplies>
35Silvermoon CityA H250
Librarian Ingram
<Inscription Supplies>
72Borean TundraA H250
Mertle Murkpen
<Inscription Supplies>
35Thunder BluffA H250
Metalworker Sashi
<Trade Goods>
85The Jade ForestA H50
Mindri Dinkles
<Inscription Trainer>
71Howling FjordA H250
<Inscription Supplies>
35OrgrimmarA H350
<Inscription Supplies>
50FelwoodA H350
Recorder Lidio
<Inscription Trainer>
62Shattrath CityA H350
Salazar Bloch
<Book Dealer>
30Tirisfal GladesA H350
Scribe Lanloer
<Inscription Trainer>
62Shattrath CityA H350
<Inscription Supplies>
35Azuremyst IsleA H250
Stanly McCormick
<Inscription Supplies>
35Stormwind CityA H250
Thargen Heavyquill
<Inscription Supplies>
35Dun MoroghA H250
Theoden Manners
<Inscription Trainer & Supplies>
37Dustwallow MarshA H350
Tink Brightbolt
<Inscription Trainer>
71Borean TundraA H350
Tonya Lightbrew
<Inscripting Supplies>
49Blasted LandsA H350
Una Kobuna
<Alchemy and Inscription Supplies>
84Twilight HighlandsA H50
Veronica Faraday
<Inscription Supplies>
90Vale of Eternal BlossomsA H350
<Inscription Supplies>
35OrgrimmarA H350
<Trade Goods>
87Kun-Lai SummitA H250


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