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  • Disenchantable (350)
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Runed Talon

Runed Talon
Item Level 166
Binds when equipped
84 - 158 DamageSpeed 1.70
(71.28 damage per second)
+281 Spell Power
<Random enchantment>
Durability 55 / 55
Requires Level 76
Sell Price: 9 93 91

Random Enchantments (Suffix)

  • ...of the Elder (44.51% chance)
    +31 Stamina, +21 Intellect, +21 Spirit
  • ...of Intellect (6.29% chance)
    +40 Intellect
  • ...of Stamina (6.22% chance)
    +60 Stamina
  • ...of Spirit (5.83% chance)
    +40 Spirit
  • ...of the Owl (12.64% chance)
    +26 Intellect, +26 Spirit
  • ...of the Whale (12.25% chance)
    +26 Spirit, +40 Stamina
  • ...of the Eagle (12.23% chance)
    +26 Intellect, +40 Stamina


Dark Rune Controller80
A HHumanoid2
Dark Rune Worker77 - 78
Halls of StoneA HHumanoid1.24
Dark Rune Shaper80 - 81
A HHumanoid0.81
Raging Construct80
A HMechanical0.77
Lightning Construct80 - 81
A HMechanical0.51
Artruis the Heartless76 - 77Sholazar BasinA HUndead0.38
Frenzyheart Berserker77 - 78
Sholazar BasinA HHumanoid0.34
Salranax the Flesh Render79
IcecrownA HUndead0.27
Drakkari Battle Rider77
GundrakA HHumanoid0.2
Unbound Corrupter78Crystalsong ForestA HHumanoid0.13
Ymirjar Savage79 - 80
Utgarde PinnacleA HUndead0.13
Enslaved Minion
<Void Summoner's Pet>
78 - 79A HDemon0.12
Dragonflayer Deathseeker79 - 80
Utgarde PinnacleA HHumanoid0.12
Unbound Trickster78Crystalsong ForestA HHumanoid0.1
Warlord Tartek77A HHumanoid0.09
Reanimated Crusader77 - 78IcecrownA HUndead0.09
Ymirjar Necromancer79 - 80
Utgarde PinnacleA HHumanoid0.08
Scourge Hulk79 - 80
Utgarde PinnacleA HUndead0.08
Dragonflayer Seer79 - 80
Utgarde PinnacleA HHumanoid0.08
Chulo the Mad77A HHumanoid0.08
Ymirjar Flesh Hunter79 - 80
Utgarde PinnacleA HUndead0.07
Bloodthirsty Tundra Wolf79 - 80
Utgarde PinnacleA HBeast0.07
Ymirjar Dusk Shaman79 - 80
Utgarde PinnacleA HUndead0.07
Goretalon Matriarch78Sholazar BasinA HBeast0.07
Prophet of Har'koa77Zul'DrakA HHumanoid0.06
Ymirjar Berserker79 - 80
Utgarde PinnacleA HUndead0.06
Shandaral Warrior Spirit78 - 79Crystalsong ForestA HUndead0.06
Azure Manabeast78 - 79Crystalsong ForestA HBeast0.06
High Priest Yath'amon79
IcecrownA HUndead0.06
Sinewy Wolf78Crystalsong ForestA HBeast0.05
Shandaral Druid Spirit78 - 79Crystalsong ForestA HUndead0.05
Azure Spellweaver79Crystalsong ForestA HDragonkin0.05
Overseer Syra79The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid0.05
Zeptek the Destroyer77A HDragonkin0.04
Thalgran Blightbringer76 - 77
Sholazar BasinA HUndead0.04
Shadow Cultist
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80IcecrownA HHumanoid0.04
Fallen Hero's Spirit79IcecrownA HUndead0.04
Onslaught Darkweaver79 - 80
IcecrownA HHumanoid0.04
Stormforged Artificer77 - 79The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid0.04
Forgotten Depths Underking78IcecrownA HUndead0.04
Dark Rune Theurgist80 - 81
A HHumanoid0.04
Restless Frostborn Ghost77 - 79The Storm PeaksA HUndead0.04
Gawanil77A HHumanoid0.04
<High Prophet of Akali>
GundrakA HHumanoid0.04
Dark Rune Controller78
Halls of StoneA HHumanoid0.04
Dark Rune Scholar77 - 78
Halls of StoneA HHumanoid0.04
Dark Rune Theurgist77 - 78
Halls of StoneA HHumanoid0.04
Garm Watcher77 - 78The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid0.04
Stormforged Pillager78 - 79The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid0.04
Mindless Servant78 - 79Utgarde PinnacleA HUndead0.03
Dragonflayer Spectator79 - 80Utgarde PinnacleA HHumanoid0.03
Dragonflayer Spectator79 - 80A HHumanoid0.03
Mistwhisper Warrior75 - 77Sholazar BasinA HHumanoid0.03
Gundrak Raptor76 - 77Zul'DrakA HBeast0.03
Akali Subduer76 - 77Zul'DrakA HHumanoid0.03
Restless Frostborn Warrior77 - 79The Storm PeaksA HUndead0.03
Sifreldar Storm Maiden78 - 79The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid0.03
Ironwool Mammoth77 - 78The Storm PeaksA HBeast0.03
Mam'toth Disciple76 - 77Zul'DrakA HHumanoid0.03
Shandaral Hunter Spirit78 - 79Crystalsong ForestA HUndead0.03
Serpent-Touched Berserker76 - 77Zul'DrakA HUndead0.03
Rhunok's Tormentor77Zul'DrakA HHumanoid0.03
Blighted Corpse75 - 77Sholazar BasinA HUndead0.03
Onslaught Raven Bishop79 - 80IcecrownA HHumanoid0.03
Stormforged Raider78 - 79The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid0.03
Gundrak Savage76 - 77Zul'DrakA HHumanoid0.03
Vile Creeper79IcecrownA HUndead0.03
Unbound Dryad78 - 79Crystalsong ForestA HHumanoid0.03
Dark Rune Elementalist80 - 81
A HHumanoid0.03
Perch Guardian77 - 78Sholazar BasinA HElemental0.03
Reanimated Crusader77 - 78IcecrownA HUndead0.03
Crystalweb Weaver77 - 78The Storm PeaksA HBeast0.03
Stormforged Loreseeker77 - 78The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid0.03
Ice Steppe Bull78 - 79The Storm PeaksA HBeast0.03
Guardian of Zim'Rhuk76 - 77Zul'DrakA HElemental0.03
Savage Hill Scavenger77 - 78The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid0.03
Blighted Corpse72 - 77Sholazar BasinA HUndead0.03
Venomtip77Sholazar BasinA HBeast0.03
Damned Apothecary
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80IcecrownA HHumanoid0.03
Frostfeather Witch77 - 78The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid0.03
Ice Steppe Rhino77 - 79The Storm PeaksA HBeast0.03
Stormforged Ambusher78 - 79A HHumanoid0.02
Snowblind Devotee76 - 77The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid0.02
Forgotten Depths High Priest77 - 78IcecrownA HUndead0.02
Gundrak Fire-eater76 - 77Zul'DrakA HHumanoid0.02
Library Guardian78 - 79The Storm PeaksA HMechanical0.02
Claw of Har'koa76 - 77Zul'DrakA HHumanoid0.02
Stormforged Infiltrator78 - 79A HHumanoid0.02
Icebound Revenant78 - 80The Storm PeaksA HElemental0.02
Forgotten Depths Acolyte77 - 78IcecrownA HUndead0.02
Savage Hill Brute77 - 78The Storm PeaksA HHumanoid0.02
Har'koan Subduer76 - 77Zul'DrakA HHumanoid0.02
Forgotten Depths Ambusher77 - 78A HUndead0.02
Unbound Ent77 - 78Crystalsong ForestA HElemental0.02
Frozen Earth71 - 77Zul'DrakA HElemental0.02
Broodmother Slivina77
Sholazar BasinA HDragonkin0.02
Shadow Channeler
<Cult of the Damned>
79 - 80IcecrownA HHumanoid0.02
Shattertusk Mammoth76 - 77Sholazar BasinA HBeast0.02
Forgotten Depths Slayer77 - 78IcecrownA HUndead0.02
Forgotten Depths Slayer77 - 78IcecrownA HUndead0.02


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