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  • Disenchantable (325)
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Extinguished Spark

Extinguished Spark
Item Level 142
Binds when equipped
69 - 129 DamageSpeed 1.70
(58.35 damage per second)
+225 Spell Power
<Random enchantment>
Durability 55 / 55
Requires Level 70
Sell Price: 6 93 91

Random Enchantments (Suffix)

  • ...of the Invoker (16.34% chance)
    +18 Intellect, +12 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Prophet (10.86% chance)
    +12 Intellect, +12 Spirit, +12 Haste
  • ...of the Seer (11.18% chance)
    +18 Stamina, +12 Intellect, +12 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Sorcerer (14.74% chance)
    +18 Stamina, +12 Intellect, +12 Haste
  • ...of Intellect (2.35% chance)
    +23 Intellect
  • ...of Intellect (1.8% chance)
    +23 Intellect
  • ...of Intellect (2.27% chance)
    +23 Intellect
  • ...of Intellect (2.28% chance)
    +23 Intellect
  • ...of Intellect (2.11% chance)
    +23 Intellect
  • ...of Intellect (4.22% chance)
    +23 Intellect
  • ...of Stamina (4.06% chance)
    +34 Stamina
  • ...of Spirit (3.6% chance)
    +23 Spirit
  • ...of the Owl (8.19% chance)
    +15 Intellect, +15 Spirit
  • ...of the Whale (7.96% chance)
    +15 Spirit, +23 Stamina
  • ...of the Eagle (8.08% chance)
    +15 Intellect, +23 Stamina


Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.78
Devout Bodyguard72
DragonblightA HHumanoid0.72
Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.63
Kreug Oathbreaker
<Ymirjar Giant Lord>
73DragonblightA HUndead0.27
Luthion the Vile
<The San'layn>
72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.24
Counselor Talbot72
Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.23
Prince Valanar
<The San'layn>
72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.21
Coldarra Spellweaver71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.21
Horde Berserker71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.2
Horde Ranger71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.18
Karen "I Don't Caribou" the Culler72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.17
Onslaught Footman71A HHumanoid0.16
Onslaught Footman71A HHumanoid0.16
Horde Cleric71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.15
Vrykul Soul70 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.15
Abdul the Insane72
Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.15
Yanis the Mystic
<Herald of Ingvar>
71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.14
Duke Vallenhal
<Servant of the Lich King>
73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.13
Horde Commander71
A HHumanoid0.12
Wolfcult Initiate73Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.12
Iceshatter73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.12
Vengeful Kvaldir Spirit65 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.11
Onslaught Death Knight73 - 74DragonblightA HHumanoid0.11
Curator Insivius72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.1
Necrolord Horus73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.09
Megalith71Howling FjordA HGiant0.09
Venture Co. Straggler73Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.09
Gammothra the Tormentor71
Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.08
Vanthryn the Merciless
<The San'layn>
72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.08
Dark Ranger72 - 73
Howling Fjord, Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.08
High General Abbendis72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.08
Nedar, Lord of Rhinos72A HHumanoid0.08
Bloodfeast73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.08
Onslaught Executioner72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.08
Harold Lane
<The Fur Baron>
71 - 72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.08
Dreadbone Invader72DragonblightA HUndead0.08
Frigid Geist72 - 73DragonblightA HUndead0.08
Bloodpaw Shaman71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.07
Magnataur Youngling72Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HHumanoid0.07
Naxxramas Dreadguard72 - 73DragonblightA HUndead0.07
Naxxanar Skeletal Mage72Borean TundraA HUndead0.06
Moonrest Stalker71DragonblightA HBeast0.06
Surge Needle Sorcerer71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.06
En'kilah Crypt Fiend70 - 71Borean TundraA HUndead0.06
En'kilah Abomination71Borean TundraA HUndead0.06
Guardian Serpent72 - 73Grizzly HillsA HBeast0.06
Necrolord Amarion72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.05
Onslaught Infantry72 - 73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.05
En'kilah Gargoyle71Borean TundraA HUndead0.05
Hozzer71Howling FjordA HBeast0.05
Winterskorn Rune-Seer70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.05
Winterskorn Elder71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.05
Necrotech71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.05
Conquest Hold Grunt73 - 74Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.05
Scourge Deathspeaker72 - 73Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.05
Sepulchral Overseer71
Howling FjordA HUndead0.05
Orabus the Helmsman71A HHumanoid0.05
Vengeful Geist71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Cleaver Bmurglbrm69Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.05
Scourge Technician72 - 73DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Anub'ar Dreadweaver71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Moonrest Highborne71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Diseased Drakkari68 - 73Grizzly HillsA HUndead0.05
Risen Wintergarde Defender71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Wind Trader Mu'fah72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.05
Anok'ra the Manipulator72DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Reanimated Noble71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Lead Cannoneer Zierhut73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.05
Indu'le Fisherman71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.05
High Cultist Zangus72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.04
Arcanimus68 - 73DragonblightA HElemental0.04
Shatterhorn71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.04
Wastes Digger72 - 73Hour of Twilight, DragonblightA HUndead0.04
Snowplain Disciple72Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HHumanoid0.04
Forgotten Peasant71DragonblightA HUndead0.04
Forgotten Footman71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.04
Tattered Abomination68 - 73DragonblightA HUndead0.04
Dreadbone Construct72 - 73DragonblightA HUndead0.04
Coldarra Wyrmkin71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.04
Deranged Explorer
<Explorers' League>
70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.04
High Priest Andorath72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.04
Anub'ar Slayer71DragonblightA HUndead0.04
Snowplain Zealot72 - 73Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HHumanoid0.04
Keeper Witherleaf71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.04
Onslaught Footman71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.04
Venture Co. Evacuee73Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.04
Putrid Wight70 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.04
Mindless Wight72DragonblightA HUndead0.04
Deathless Watcher70 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.04
Forgotten Captain72 - 73DragonblightA HUndead0.04
En'kilah Necromancer
<Cult of the Damned>
71 - 72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.04
Drakkari Warrior73Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.04
Dragonbone Condor71Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HBeast0.04
Nerub'ar Warrior70 - 71Borean TundraA HUndead0.04
Anub'ar Cultist71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.04
Bone Warrior70 - 71Borean TundraA HUndead0.04
Onslaught Deckhand66 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.04
Death Knight Champion72DragonblightA HUndead0.04
Ghoul Tormentor72 - 73
Drak'Tharon KeepA HUndead0.04
Onslaught Scout71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.04


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