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  • Disenchantable (325)
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Branched Stick

Branched Stick
Item Level 138
Binds when equipped
411 - 617 DamageSpeed 3.50
(146.82 damage per second)
<Random enchantment>
Durability 90 / 90
Requires Level 69
Sell Price: 11 26 39

Random Enchantments (Suffix)

  • ...of the Champion (4.54545% chance)
    +37 Strength, +56 Stamina, +37 Dodge
  • ...of the Elder (4.54545% chance)
    +56 Stamina, +37 Intellect, +37 Spirit
  • ...of the Soldier (4.54545% chance)
    +37 Strength, +56 Stamina, +37 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Beast (4.54545% chance)
    +37 Hit, +37 Critical Strike, +56 Stamina
  • ...of the Bandit (4.54545% chance)
    +37 Agility, +56 Stamina, +37 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Invoker (4.54545% chance)
    +56 Intellect, +37 Critical Strike
  • ...of Power (4.54545% chance)
    +144 Attack Power
  • ...of Intellect (4.54545% chance)
    +72 Intellect
  • ...of Agility (4.54545% chance)
    +72 Agility
  • ...of Strength (4.54545% chance)
    +72 Strength
  • ...of Stamina (4.54545% chance)
    +108 Stamina
  • ...of Spirit (4.54545% chance)
    +72 Spirit
  • ...of the Tiger (4.54545% chance)
    +47 Agility, +47 Hit
  • ...of the Wolf (4.54545% chance)
    +47 Agility, +47 Spirit
  • ...of the Boar (4.54545% chance)
    +47 Spirit, +47 Strength
  • ...of the Falcon (4.54545% chance)
    +47 Agility, +47 Intellect
  • ...of the Gorilla (4.54545% chance)
    +47 Intellect, +47 Strength
  • ...of the Owl (4.54545% chance)
    +47 Intellect, +47 Spirit
  • ...of the Whale (4.54545% chance)
    +47 Spirit, +72 Stamina
  • ...of the Bear (4.54545% chance)
    +72 Stamina, +47 Strength
  • ...of the Eagle (4.54545% chance)
    +47 Intellect, +72 Stamina
  • ...of the Monkey (4.54545% chance)
    +47 Agility, +72 Stamina


Devout Bodyguard72
DragonblightA HHumanoid0.72
Horde Commander71
A HHumanoid0.16
Gammoth Tender70Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.15
Counselor Talbot72
Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.12
Prince Valanar
<The San'layn>
72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.11
Luthion the Vile
<The San'layn>
72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.08
Dark Ranger72 - 73
Howling Fjord, Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.07
Iceshard Elemental70 - 71Howling Fjord, Grizzly HillsA HElemental0.07
Aspatha the Broodmother71Borean TundraA HBeast0.06
Cleaver Bmurglbrm69Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.05
Vrykul Soul70 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.05
Glrggl71Borean TundraA HBeast0.05
Horde Ranger71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.05
Yanis the Mystic
<Herald of Ingvar>
71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.05
Fjord Crawler70Howling FjordA HBeast0.04
Orabus the Helmsman71A HHumanoid0.04
Enslaved Proto-Drake70
Utgarde KeepA HDragonkin0.04
Coldarra Scalesworn71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.03
Wind Trader Mu'fah72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.03
Enraged Apparition71DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Skeld Drakeson70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Horde Berserker71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.03
Horde Cleric71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.03
High Priest Naferset72Borean TundraA HUndead0.03
Steel Gate Archaeologist
<Explorers' League>
65 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Risen Wintergarde Defender71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Lieutenant Ta'zinni72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.03
Onslaught Deckhand66 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.02
Coldarra Spellweaver71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.02
Anub'ar Dreadweaver71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.02
Anok'ra the Manipulator72DragonblightA HUndead0.02
Snowfall Glade Reaver71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.02
En'kilah Crypt Fiend70 - 71Borean TundraA HUndead0.02
Megalith71Howling FjordA HGiant0.02
Forsaken Plaguebringer70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.02
Forlorn Soul70 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.02
Cult Plaguebringer
<Cult of the Damned>
70 - 71Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.02
Garwal66 - 71Howling FjordA HBeast0.02
Onslaught Footman71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.02
Tundra Crawler70Borean TundraA HBeast0.02
Fearsome Horror70 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.02
Dragonblight Mage Hunter71DragonblightA HDragonkin0.02
Varg71Howling FjordA HBeast0.02
Magnataur Patriarch72Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HHumanoid0.02
Iron Rune Golem70Howling FjordA HElemental0.02
En'kilah Gargoyle71Borean TundraA HUndead0.02
<"Two Huge Pincers">
72DragonblightA HBeast0.02
Winterskorn Raider70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.02
Crazed Northsea Slaver70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.02
Deranged Indu'le Villager71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.02
Winterskorn Berserker70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.02
Darkfallen Bloodbearer
<The San'layn>
72Borean TundraA HUndead0.02
Bjomolf72Howling FjordA HBeast0.02
Reanimated Noble71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.02
Naxxanar Skeletal Mage72Borean TundraA HUndead0.02
High Cultist Zangus72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.01
Stone Giant70
Howling FjordA HGiant0.01
Ziggurat Defender69 - 71Borean TundraA HUndead0.01
Bloodpaw Warrior71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.01
Emaciated Mammoth71Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HBeast0.01
En'kilah Ghoul70Borean TundraA HUndead0.01
Gorloc Hunter70 - 71Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.01
Bone Warrior70 - 71Borean TundraA HUndead0.01
Loot Crazed Hunter70 - 71Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.01
Unstable Mur'ghoul70 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.01
Hozzer71Howling FjordA HBeast0.01
Bloodpaw Shaman71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.01
Scalder71Borean TundraA HElemental0.01
Naxxramas Shade72 - 73DragonblightA HUndead0.01
Deranged Explorer
<Explorers' League>
70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.01
En'kilah Necromancer
<Cult of the Damned>
71 - 72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.01
Scourge Siegesmith72DragonblightA HUndead0.01
Ragnar Drakkarlund70Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.01
Anub'ar Underlord71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.01
Iron Rune Sage69 - 70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.01
Steel Gate Excavator
<Explorers' League>
66 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.01
Talramas Abomination71Borean TundraA HUndead0.01
Onslaught Mason68 - 73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.01
Iron Rune Binder69 - 70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.01
Onslaught Knight71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.01
Forgotten Footman71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.01
Blue Drakonid Supplicant71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.01
Necrotech71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.01
Arcane Wyrm71 - 72DragonblightA HBeast0.01
Marsh Caribou70 - 71Borean TundraA HBeast0.01
Snowfall Glade Den Mother71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.01
Scourge Deathspeaker72 - 73Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.01
Indu'le Warrior71DragonblightA HUndead0.01
Coldarra Wyrmkin71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.01
Dragonflayer Handler69 - 70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.01
Northern Barbfish70A HBeast0.01
Frostwing Chimaera70 - 71Howling FjordA HBeast0.01
Moonrest Highborne71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.01
Blighted Elk71 - 72DragonblightA HBeast0.01
Indu'le Fisherman71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.01
Offspring of Magmothregar69 - 70Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.01
Frozen Elemental70 - 71Dragonblight, Borean TundraA HElemental0.01
Indu'le Mystic71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.01
Anub'ar Slayer71DragonblightA HUndead0.01
En'kilah Abomination71Borean TundraA HUndead0.01


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