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Wyrmskull Breastplate

Wyrmskull Breastplate
Item Level 142
Binds when equipped
1226 Armor
<Random enchantment>
Durability 115 / 115
Requires Level 70
Sell Price: 6 43 4

Random Enchantments (Suffix)

  • ...of the Seer (7.4% chance)
    +59 Stamina, +39 Critical Strike, +39 Intellect
  • ...of the Champion (5.8% chance)
    +39 Strength, +59 Stamina, +39 Dodge
  • ...of the Soldier (4.4% chance)
    +39 Strength, +59 Stamina, +39 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Seer (7.4% chance)
    +59 Stamina, +39 Intellect, +39 Critical Strike
  • ...of Shadow Protection (1.9% chance)
    +75 Stamina
  • ...of Nature Protection (2.1% chance)
    +75 Stamina
  • ...of Frost Protection (1.9% chance)
    +75 Stamina
  • ...of Fire Protection (2.5% chance)
    +75 Stamina
  • ...of Arcane Protection (1.8% chance)
    +75 Stamina
  • ...of Nimbleness (4.3% chance)
    +75 Dodge
  • ...of Intellect (6.3% chance)
    +75 Intellect
  • ...of Power (3.3% chance)
    +150 Attack Power
  • ...of Intellect (3.7% chance)
    +75 Intellect
  • ...of Agility (3.6% chance)
    +75 Agility
  • ...of Strength (2.4% chance)
    +75 Strength
  • ...of Stamina (2.8% chance)
    +112 Stamina
  • ...of Spirit (3.4% chance)
    +75 Spirit
  • ...of the Tiger (2.3% chance)
    +49 Agility, +49 Hit
  • ...of the Wolf (4.1% chance)
    +49 Agility, +49 Spirit
  • ...of the Boar (4.4% chance)
    +49 Spirit, +49 Strength
  • ...of the Falcon (4% chance)
    +49 Agility, +49 Intellect
  • ...of the Gorilla (4% chance)
    +49 Intellect, +49 Strength
  • ...of the Owl (5% chance)
    +49 Intellect, +49 Spirit
  • ...of the Whale (3.5% chance)
    +49 Spirit, +75 Stamina
  • ...of the Bear (1.4% chance)
    +75 Stamina, +49 Strength
  • ...of the Eagle (3.7% chance)
    +49 Intellect, +75 Stamina
  • ...of the Monkey (2.5% chance)
    +49 Agility, +75 Stamina


Rotting Storm Giant73 - 74
DragonblightA HUndead0.52
Counselor Talbot72
Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.23
Snowplain Shaman68 - 73Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HHumanoid0.23
Onslaught Executioner72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.19
Kreug Oathbreaker
<Ymirjar Giant Lord>
73DragonblightA HUndead0.18
Vanthryn the Merciless
<The San'layn>
72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.17
Luthion the Vile
<The San'layn>
72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.16
Abdul the Insane72
Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.15
Horde Ranger71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.13
Horde Commander71
A HHumanoid0.12
Harold Lane
<The Fur Baron>
71 - 72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.11
Megalith71Howling FjordA HGiant0.11
Duke Vallenhal
<Servant of the Lich King>
73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.11
Sepulchral Overseer71
Howling FjordA HUndead0.1
Horde Berserker71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.09
Dark Ranger72 - 73
Howling Fjord, Tirisfal GladesA HHumanoid0.08
Bloodfeast73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.08
Darkfallen Deathblade
<The San'layn>
72Borean TundraA HUndead0.08
Drakegore73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.08
Crystalline Ice Giant73 - 74
DragonblightA HGiant0.07
Coldarra Scalesworn71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.07
Risen Wintergarde Defender71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.07
Horde Cleric71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.06
Silverbrook Trapper73 - 74Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.06
Foreman Kaleiki67 - 72A HHumanoid0.06
Aspatha the Broodmother71Borean TundraA HBeast0.06
Necrolord X'avius73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.06
Nedar, Lord of Rhinos72A HHumanoid0.05
Surge Needle Sorcerer71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.05
Blacksouled Keeper71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.05
Bloodpaw Marauder71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.05
Orabus the Helmsman71A HHumanoid0.05
Winterskorn Berserker70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.05
Gjalerbron Warrior70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.05
Necrolord70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.05
Necrotech71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.05
Island Shoveltusk70 - 71Howling FjordA HBeast0.05
Cleaver Bmurglbrm69Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.05
Enraged Tempest70 - 71Borean TundraA HElemental0.05
Marsh Caribou70 - 71Borean TundraA HBeast0.05
Minion of Kaw69 - 70Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.05
Crystalline Ice Elemental68 - 74DragonblightA HElemental0.05
Conquest Hold Raider73 - 74Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.05
Emerald Skytalon73 - 74DragonblightA HBeast0.05
Dragonflayer Flamebinder73 - 74Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.05
Frigid Necromancer
<Cult of the Damned>
73 - 74DragonblightA HHumanoid0.05
Vrykul Soul70 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.05
High General Abbendis72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.05
Arctic Ram72 - 73DragonblightA HBeast0.05
Onslaught Raven Priest71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.05
Icehollow Behemoth71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.04
Leprous Servant71DragonblightA HUndead0.04
Wastes Taskmaster68 - 73Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HHumanoid0.04
Commander Jordan73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.04
Snowplain Disciple72Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HHumanoid0.04
Venture Co. Straggler73Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.04
Snowfall Glade Reaver71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.04
Iceshatter73DragonblightA HHumanoid0.04
Naxxramas Shade72 - 73DragonblightA HUndead0.04
Claximus72Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.04
Diseased Drakkari68 - 73Grizzly HillsA HUndead0.04
Vengeful Kvaldir Spirit65 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.04
Snowplain Zealot72 - 73Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HHumanoid0.04
Ghoul Tormentor72 - 73
Drak'Tharon KeepA HUndead0.04
Venture Co. Evacuee73Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.04
Onslaught Scout71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.04
Wind Trader Mu'fah72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.03
En'kilah Crypt Fiend70 - 71Borean TundraA HUndead0.03
Coldarra Spellweaver71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.03
Bjomolf72Howling FjordA HBeast0.03
Darkfallen Bloodbearer
<The San'layn>
72Borean TundraA HUndead0.03
Gjalerhorn Worker70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Forgotten Footman71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Deranged Explorer
<Explorers' League>
70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Enraged Apparition71DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Scourge Deathspeaker72 - 73Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.03
Dreadbone Invader72DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Vengeful Geist71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Bloodpaw Warrior71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.03
Anub'ar Underlord71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Wastes Digger72 - 73Hour of Twilight, DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Kaganishu71Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.03
Drak'aguul73Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.03
Onslaught Workman71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.03
Steel Gate Excavator
<Explorers' League>
66 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
High Priest Talet-Kha72Borean TundraA HUndead0.03
Indu'le Fisherman71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Magnataur Alpha73Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HHumanoid0.03
Silverbrook Defender73 - 74Grizzly HillsA HHumanoid0.03
Scalder71Borean TundraA HElemental0.03
Snowfall Glade Wolvar71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.03
Anub'ar Slayer71DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Decrepit Necromancer73 - 74DragonblightA HHumanoid0.03
Naxxramas Dreadguard72 - 73DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Festering Ghoul70 - 71Borean TundraA HUndead0.03
Coldarra Wyrmkin71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.03
Snowfall Elk71 - 72DragonblightA HBeast0.03
Deranged Indu'le Villager71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.03
Snowfall Glade Den Mother71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.03
Ice Revenant72 - 73DragonblightA HElemental0.03


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