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Winterfin Legguards

Winterfin Legguards
Item Level 134
Binds when equipped
453 Armor
<Random enchantment>
Durability 85 / 85
Requires Level 68
Sell Price: 4 7 18

Random Enchantments (Suffix)

  • ...of the Elder (5.4% chance)
    +54 Stamina, +36 Spirit, +36 Intellect
  • ...of the Bandit (15.7% chance)
    +36 Agility, +54 Stamina, +36 Critical Strike
  • ...of the Prophet (4.1% chance)
    +36 Intellect, +36 Spirit, +36 Haste
  • ...of the Seer (4.6% chance)
    +54 Stamina, +36 Intellect, +36 Critical Strike
  • ...of Shadow Protection (2.1% chance)
    +69 Stamina
  • ...of Nature Protection (1.5% chance)
    +69 Stamina
  • ...of Frost Protection (2% chance)
    +69 Stamina
  • ...of Fire Protection (2.1% chance)
    +69 Stamina
  • ...of Arcane Protection (2% chance)
    +69 Stamina
  • ...of Nimbleness (2% chance)
    +69 Dodge
  • ...of Intellect (1.9% chance)
    +69 Intellect
  • ...of Power (3.4% chance)
    +138 Attack Power
  • ...of Intellect (3.7% chance)
    +69 Intellect
  • ...of Agility (3.5% chance)
    +69 Agility
  • ...of Strength (3.3% chance)
    +69 Strength
  • ...of Stamina (3% chance)
    +103 Stamina
  • ...of Spirit (2.7% chance)
    +69 Spirit
  • ...of the Tiger (3.5% chance)
    +45 Agility, +45 Hit
  • ...of the Wolf (2.9% chance)
    +45 Agility, +45 Spirit
  • ...of the Boar (3.3% chance)
    +45 Spirit, +45 Strength
  • ...of the Falcon (3.6% chance)
    +45 Agility, +45 Intellect
  • ...of the Gorilla (3.4% chance)
    +45 Intellect, +45 Strength
  • ...of the Owl (2.9% chance)
    +45 Intellect, +45 Spirit
  • ...of the Whale (2.7% chance)
    +45 Spirit, +69 Stamina
  • ...of the Bear (3.8% chance)
    +69 Stamina, +45 Strength
  • ...of the Eagle (3.3% chance)
    +45 Intellect, +69 Stamina
  • ...of the Monkey (3.5% chance)
    +45 Agility, +69 Stamina


Varidus the Flenser
<Cult of the Damned>
Borean TundraA HHumanoid1.79
"Scoodles"71Howling FjordA HBeast0.58
Vengeful Taunka Spirit70 - 71Borean TundraA HUndead0.24
Gjalerhorn Scavenger70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.23
Anton71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.19
Howling Wolvar Shaman69Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.19
Horde Berserker71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.16
Vrykul Soul70 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.15
Yorus the Flesh Harvester69A HHumanoid0.15
Horde Commander71
A HHumanoid0.15
Horde Ranger71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.14
Risen Crypt Lord69Borean TundraA HUndead0.14
Deranged Explorer
<Explorers' League>
70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.12
Winterskorn Elder71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.1
Magnataur Huntress
<Mate of Gammothra>
Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.1
Horde Cleric71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.1
Unliving Swine68 - 69Borean TundraA HUndead0.08
En'kilah Ghoul70Borean TundraA HUndead0.08
Vengeful Kvaldir Spirit65 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.07
Beryl Treasure Hunter69 - 70Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.07
Blacksouled Keeper71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.07
Oric the Baleful69A HHumanoid0.06
Iron Rune Worker69Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.06
Firjus the Soul Crusher69Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.06
Tundra Crawler70Borean TundraA HBeast0.06
Emaciated Mammoth71Dragonblight, Hour of TwilightA HBeast0.06
En'kilah Crypt Fiend70 - 71Borean TundraA HUndead0.06
Oil-covered Hawk70Borean TundraA HBeast0.06
Crypt Crawler68 - 69Borean TundraA HUndead0.06
Coldarra Spellweaver71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.05
En'kilah Abomination71Borean TundraA HUndead0.05
Sepulchral Overseer71
Howling FjordA HUndead0.05
Mur'ghoul Flesheater71Howling FjordA HUndead0.05
Iron Rune Stonecaller70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.05
Plagued Proto-Whelp69A HDragonkin0.05
Glacial Ancient71 - 72Borean TundraA HElemental0.05
Scavenge-bot 005-B670 - 71Borean TundraA HMechanical0.05
Moonrest Stalker71DragonblightA HBeast0.05
Indu'le Mystic71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Indu'le Warrior71DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Anub'ar Slayer71DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Forgotten Rifleman71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Risen Wintergarde Defender71 - 72DragonblightA HUndead0.05
Stone Giant70
Howling FjordA HGiant0.05
Blood Shade69 - 70Howling FjordA HUndead0.05
Spotted Hippogryph69 - 70Howling FjordA HBeast0.05
Big Roy66 - 71Howling FjordA HBeast0.05
Ghostly Sage69 - 70Borean TundraA HUndead0.05
Iron Rune Guardian69 - 70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.04
Iron Rune Destroyer69 - 70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.04
Howling Cyclone70 - 71Howling FjordA HElemental0.04
Megalith71Howling FjordA HGiant0.04
Bloodpaw Warrior71 - 72DragonblightA HHumanoid0.04
Fearsome Horror70 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.04
Winterskorn Skald68 - 69Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.04
Skadir Mariner67 - 68Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.04
Nerub'ar Web Lord69Borean TundraA HUndead0.04
Forlorn Soul70 - 71Howling FjordA HUndead0.04
Winterskorn Oracle70 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.04
Hozzer71Howling FjordA HBeast0.04
Plagued Scavenger68 - 69Borean TundraA HUndead0.04
Winterskorn Tribesman70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.04
Steel Gate Excavator
<Explorers' League>
66 - 71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.04
Dragonflayer Spiritualist70 - 71
Utgarde KeepA HHumanoid0.04
Crystalline Tender70 - 71
The NexusA HHumanoid0.04
Proto-Drake Rider70 - 71
Utgarde KeepA HHumanoid0.04
Enslaved Proto-Drake70
Utgarde KeepA HDragonkin0.04
Proto-Drake Handler70
Utgarde KeepA HHumanoid0.04
Iron Rune Golem70Howling FjordA HElemental0.04
Offspring of Magmothregar69 - 70Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.04
Beryl Mage Hunter69 - 70Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.04
Clandestine Cultist
<Cult of the Damned>
68 - 69Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.04
Arctic Grizzly Cub69A HBeast0.03
Mate of Magmothregar70Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.03
Coldarra Scalesworn71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.03
Iron Rune Sage69 - 70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Northern Barbfish70A HBeast0.03
Crazed Northsea Slaver70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Rabid Grizzly71 - 72DragonblightA HBeast0.03
Orabus the Helmsman71A HHumanoid0.03
Chill Nymph70Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Den Vermin68 - 69Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.03
Magmoth Shaman69 - 70Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.03
Warsong Aberration69Borean TundraA HUndead0.03
Blue Drakonid Supplicant71 - 72Borean TundraA HDragonkin0.03
Enraged Apparition71DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Nerub'ar Invader68 - 69Borean TundraA HUndead0.03
Necrotech71Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Dragonflayer Rune-Seer68Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Skadir Mistweaver68 - 69Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.03
Gorloc Steam Belcher70 - 71Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.03
Dragonflayer Soulreaver68 - 69Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Leprous Servant71DragonblightA HUndead0.03
Winterskorn Spearman68 - 69Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Dragonflayer Death Weaver68 - 69Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
North Fleet Medic68 - 69Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Winterskorn Bonegrinder68 - 69Howling FjordA HHumanoid0.03
Scourged Footman68 - 69Borean TundraA HUndead0.03
Kaganishu71Borean TundraA HHumanoid0.03
Talramas Abomination71Borean TundraA HUndead0.03


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