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Demoniac Scryer Reading

Demoniac Scryer Reading
Item Level 1
Quest Item
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First, let me say that your latest agent, <name>, has perfromed <his/her> duties much to my satisfaction. I have taken possession of <his/her> body and now write this with <his/her> own hand. Such amusement is gives me -- I hope that one day I will have the fortune to posses you, oh might apothecary!

So, the report as you have commanded of me: Hellfire Citadel is haunted by a demon stronger than any I have encountered. I imagine that Mannoroth -- the pit lord of the Third Great War's fame -- possessed the same strength, but very few do. I sense, however, that there is an air of confinement around this demon. It would not surprise me if it was acting against its will, or is perhaps imprisoned, or is under the sway of an even greater power.

Time will tell...



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