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Sha'tari Skyguard


An airborne military force created by Shattrath City to deal with the threats that loom in the highest reaches of Outland.

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The Sha'tari Skyguard are an air wing of the Sha'tar of Shattrath City, defending the capital from attackers in the hills as well as battling against the arakkoa of Terokk in the peaks of Skettis. The Skyguard has two outposts, one in the northern reaches of the Skethyl Mountains and one near Ogri'la. Players start out at neutral standing with the Skyguard.


Daily QuestsCreatures
  • Skettis Kaliri - 5 reputation, up to the end of Revered.
  • All Skettis Arakkoa - 10 reputation, regardless of Skyguard standing.
  • Talonsworn Forest-Ragers - 30 reputation, regardless of Skyguard standing.


Hitting Exalted will grant you Flying High Over Skettis. You can also purchase mounts like Purple Riding Nether Ray and a cute matching pet, Nether Ray Fry.

Terokk is a summonable mob that's needed for Terokk's Downfall which rewards 1000 reputation. The earlier parts of this chain are listed above under Daily Quests. Terokk can be summoned every 15 minutes and yields 500 reputation when he is killed. He drops some epics, as well as fun items like Time-Lost Figurine.



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